Globe Valve/Gate Valve Manufacturers in India

Gate Valve Manufacturer:

Spectec Valves & Instrumentation Pvt. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of Gate Valves in Mumbai, India. We provide a diverse range of Gate Valves customized to meet the needs of various industries. Our Gate Valves are exported to over 25 countries worldwide.

Gate valves are designed for fully open or fully closed service. They are generally used as isolating valves. Operation of a gate valve is performed doing an either clockwise to close (CTC) or clockwise to open (CTO) rotating motion of the stem. When operating the valve stem, the gate moves up- or downwards.

Gate Valves are generally applicable for Potable water, wastewater and neutral liquids, with temperature between -20 and +70 °C, maximum 5 m/s flow velocity and up to 16 bar differential pressure. For Gas, temperature between -20 and +60 °C, maximum 20 m/s flow velocity and up to 16 bar differential pressure is considered and also for Fire Protection.

Spectec Valves & Instrumentations Pvt. Ltd (SVIPL) offers three different variants of customised Gate Valves:

  • • Globe/ Gate Valve
  • • Globe/ Gate Valve Extended Bonnet
  • • Globe/ Gate Valve S/E, S/W

“SVIPL” offers Gate Valves with both rising stem & non-rising stem

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